Fractured Online Successfully Fends Off Its First Series Of DDoS Attacks


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Fractured Online players faced some unexpected turbulence yesterday, and no, it wasn’t due to a wild in-game creature. The sandbox MMORPG became the target of a series of DDoS attacks, initially causing the official website to lag and eventually knocking the entire world of Terra offline after a second assault.

The silver lining? The brave developers at Dynamight Studios quickly sprang into action, fending off the digital invaders and restoring the servers in record time. While a minor rollback occurred, it was limited to just a few minutes. To make up for the disruption, Dynamight Studios is compensating all subscribers with a full day’s worth of free subscription benefits, ensuring no one feels short-changed.

Even Dynamight CEO Jacopo Gallelli couldn’t help but acknowledge the inevitability of such an attack, remarking that he had always wondered when the first DDoS strike would happen. But fear not! The game is back on its feet, and the lands of Terra are once again open for your epic exploits. So grab your gear, rally your allies, and dive back into the adventure with an extra day of sub benefits for the inconvenience.


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